Monday, June 2, 2008

A smaller church?

While everyone wants a church of size, the question is what is the ideal size. I enjoyed one mans thoughts....

I've always been a big fan of small churches. That's partly because I don't fully understand how megachurches "do" real church, and partly because I prefer the rawness, freedom and community that comes from a smaller worship gathering.

Is it awkward at times? You bet. A little clumsy and unpolished? Sometimes. Yet those elements, to me, are exactly why small churches are such a treasure. I love that there doesn't have to be soft music playing behind every prayer, altar call or offering. I love that you can get to know — really know — the people sitting next to you, and that building real relationships isn't an option when it's impossible to hide among the crowds. (What crowds?!)

And maybe more than anything, I love that small churches allow everyone to be a key, active part of the body. No sideline-sitters (or at least not for long), all players. Because in small churches, everyone brings something of value.

[Marcus Yoars]

1 comment:

God is Faithful! said...

ya know...the new direction that churches will likely go to in the next decade will not be in buildings and facilities...churches will probably be measured by what they do outside the the community. so, yeah, i think that there's nothing prettier than a small country church to call your own. :) ?