Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Small People......

"Keep away from people who try to belittle your ambitions. Small people always do that, but the really great make you feel that you, too, can become great" -- Mark Twain

Monday, August 11, 2008


"If everything's under control, you're going too slow." - Mario Andretti

Sunday, August 10, 2008

A Thought......

"Do not wait; the time will never be "just right." Start where you stand, and work with whatever tools you may have at your command, and better tools will be found as you go along." -Napoleon Hill

Gideons visit today

For more than 15 years the NLR Church has partnered with the Gideons each year to buy Bibles. Today was their visit.

Gideons bolster efforts in 3rd largest mission field—the U.S.A.

It is hard to believe, but sadly true: the United States of America has become the third largest mission field in our world today. Estimates of unsaved people in the U.S.A. range from 54% to 70%. In response to this startling revelation, Gideons plan to distribute 12 million copies of God’s Word in the U.S.A. alone during their 2008-09 fiscal year.

Perhaps the most sobering way to visualize the spiritual decline in America today is to take a walk down any U.S.A. neighborhood street. It is very likely that two out of three of the people you encounter are lost. They do not know Jesus as their Savior.

What impact can The Gideons make through the distribution of 12 million Scriptures in the U.S.A.? Perhaps there is a more appropriate question…What can God accomplish through 12 million Gideon-placed Scriptures? The Lord tells us that His Word “shall not return unto me void” (Isaiah 55:11).

According to Barna research, less than one out of ten people, who makes a decision to follow Jesus, does so in the context of a church setting. Most will enter into a relationship with Jesus by seeing His life and Kingdom lived out in the lives of others. That’s what Gideons do; they live a Christ-like life, sharing His Word and witnessing to those they meet. And God constantly multiplies these efforts as is apparent through the regular flow of testimonies received at The Gideons International headquarters. (Click on the “Changed Lives” section of this Website to see and hear recent testimonies.) Rest of story