Thursday, August 9, 2007

Everything you want in life has a price connected to it.
There's a price to pay if you want to make things better;
a price to pay for just leaving things as they are,
a price for everything.

Nature cannot be tricked or cheated.
She will give up to you the object of your struggles
only after you have paid her price.

Success cannot be coaxed or bribed.
Pay the price for success and it will be yours.
The universe is run with far too tight a rein for luck to interfere.

Fortune sells her wares, she never gives them up freely.
In one form or another, you'll pay for her favors,
or you'll go away empty handed.

Success is the child of drudgery and perseverance.
There is no success at bargain basement prices.
The highway to success is a toll road.

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