I ran across a story from a Pastor in Ohio. People are funny......
A gentlemen stopped by the church needing help to make the brakes on his car safe. This played off of my mechanical interest, so I took a short and horrifying trip around the parking lot and decided for the good of the community that I would help this guy out. After $20 worth of brake pads and an hour of work, or maybe it was on the trip to the auto parts store that this guy asked me, "Can you help me with some money?" "For what?" I replied. "My landlord has cut my cable off, and I need $15. " (Apparently the landlord was splicing cable for his tenants) At this point in my life, I was making good money for a young pastor, and Jill was working as a nurse - we were not broke. WE DIDN'T HAVE CABLE - somewhat as a lifestyle choice, but mostly as a cost-saver. After telling him that our church tries to help with NEEDS- food, water, safety issues, etc - he tried to make the argument for cable TV being a neccesity. This continued even after I let him know that I wasn't currently enjoying cable tv. I think I probably laughed. I didn't change his mind - cable tv was on par with food/water. I'm sure I laughed.